How to Stay Mentally Fit

How to Stay Mentally Fit

We’re all about promoting physical fitness, but we also can’t ignore mental fitness. A sharper mind and mentality can help in your daily life and when it comes to keeping up your fitness routine

We’re going to look at some ways to help you relax your mind, calm your emotions and improve your memory.

What are Ways to Maintain Good Mental Health?

Maintaining good mental health is essential for overall well-being. Here are ways to achieve and maintain good mental health:

Workouts help your mind

A good workout will increase the bloodflow to your brain, release endorphins and promote a positive outlook. It can also help you dodge the harmful effects of stress.


Meditation is good for your mind and also for your body. In fact, it’s also been shown to help alleviate depression as well.

Visualise before bed

Visualising is a great way to keep mental and emotional focus, yet it takes a certain kind of relaxation to get the creativity flowing correctly. A great way to do this is to practice visualisation just before bed, when your body begins to relax. Before you sleep, try to visualise a beautiful and peaceful scene such as a meadow or the seaside.

A workout for your knowledge

One of the best ways to keep your mind in good condition is to read. What you read is your choice, as there are different benefits to be had by different subjects, so you might read something that’s a quick and enjoyable, or something slower with a more unfamiliar subject matter.

More haste, less speed

We sometimes think multitasking is a good way to do more, but it can often create more problems than it solves. Try working on one thing at a time and see if it makes you more productive.

Stay positive

Talking yourself up is a good way to get good results, helping to build your own confidence and overall wellbeing. A simple way to start would be to write a list of your good qualities, and include as much as you can because remember that you don’t have to be perfect.

Try something new

It’s always good to try something new, and it’s a great way to dust the cobwebs and keep enthusiastic. Why not try a new approach to the same task, travelling to somewhere unusual or going for a walk in a new place? Things like this are all the more important as we age, as research has shown that new activities help revitalise existing neural connections.

Try mental games

Mental games are a great way to keep your grey matter in good condition. A few options to get the cogs whirring include crosswords, Sudoku or puzzle books. Video games are also an underrated way to sharpen your mind, improving your reactions, attention span and multitasking.

Get professional help

There’s nothing wrong with getting professional help for your mental health. Studies show (including this study by Thomas, Thirlaway, Bowes and Meyers) that  “Combining physical activity with psychological therapy consistently engendered positive effects on outcomes compared with treatment as usual. ”

We love that idea that we’re helping so many people get physically fit and when we see people get fitter, we also want to see people keep in good mental condition. That’s why we hope you found something in this article that will keep your mind in good shape.