The Gut-Brain Romance
Here, we are exploring the relationship between your gut and your brain: I am calling it a romance because it is a two-way system. Your…

The Importance of Knowing the Right Number of Calories by Learning How to Calculate Our BMR
The food we eat plays an important role in how we feel and how we look, but the number of calories is such an important rule to follow as…

Mental Health and Exercise
When there is uncertainty: There are implications on our lives, and on our mental health. During this uncertain period, we are all…
How To Improve Your Goals
How, when and why setting goals can help boost your exercise routine and create huge changes in the way you exercise. Setting goals seems…

How Exercise Classes Can Benefit You
Joining a gym can be an extremely daunting thing to do, you may feel anxious of what type of training to do, you might not have a clue what…

Look Good NAKED!
Yes! How to feel better and look good naked. We all have our own insecurities; your confidence might be low and you may not be happy. Some…

Considerations of a Childs Physical Development
Welcome to what will be quite obviously my first go at writing a blog post … Be gentle. The substance in this blog is based around my own…

Thinking of Joining a Gym After Lockdown?
The gym isn’t for everyone and working out at home can definitely have its benefits. It’s free, you can go at your own pace and you can…
Welcome to ARF Kinetic Therapy
Firstly what is kinetic therapy? Have you heard of this therapy and wondered what it is all about? Let me share this with…

Sleep Is The Latest Trend
I always find that people tend to boast about how little sleep they got: Almost as a mark of hard work, being up all-night working, or…

Cardio vs Strength Training?
Cardio vs strength training? Let us look at the big picture here. Firstly, I think it’s important to clarify a definition between the…

Which Vitamins Should You Be Taking Right Now?
With the amount of vitamins out there, it can get a little confusing with which we should be taking and what you should be looking for in a…
The Mind-Gut Connection
Our diet, strictly speaking what we eat, not only provides us with energy but also has a remarkable effect on our brain. With all the…